Berlevåg – “cool and crazy”
Berlevåg offers wide horizons and unforgettable landscapes.

With 1,000 inhabitants, Berlevåg is one of the largest fishing villages in Finnmark County. Several fish processing plants encircle its large harbor. The film “Cool and Crazy” (Heftig og begeistret) from 2001 made Berlevåg well-known worldwide. The documentary on the local male choir touched hearts, and both the film and the choir were invited to events all around the world.
The Berlevåg Harbor Museum documents the coastal culture and the amazing story of the 70-year process of building the breakwaters in Berlevåg. Before roads came to Berlevåg in 1959, a safe harbor was a life necessity for the community. The story of the breakwater is a testimony of the strong will and ability to survive in this little fishing village. The breakwater also offers an inspiring walk - whether you want to experience the roaring ocean, the Midnight Sun or the Northern Lights.
In the center of Berlevåg you find the shop and workshop of glass artist Daniela Salathe. She moved here from Switzerland more than 20 years ago, and creates colorful glass inspired by the Arctic landscape and culture.
Kjølnes is one of the most spectacular lighthouses along the coast, situated on a narrow piece of land reaching out into the often-roaring Barents Sea. Four families used to live here, totally isolated. Now the lighthouse is automatic and there is a road all the way. To the west of Berlevåg is the majestic mountain of Tanahorn. It rises 885 feet (270 m) right out of the fjord and offers a breathtaking view over the rich fishing areas, Nordkinn and the plateau landscapes to the southeast. Tanahorn is an old sacred mountain of the Sámi.
A history of Berlevåg
The municipality of Berlevåg was established on January 1, 1914 when it was separated from Tana Municipality. Initially, there were 784 residents. The borders have not changed since that time. There are different opinions of the origin of the name Berlevåg (or historically spelled Berlevaag). The most likely reason is that it is related to a name from the old Northern Sami language that sounded like Berlevaggi or Perlavaggi.
Port address
Torget 4, 9980 Berlevåg