Onboard Photo Program
Powered by Cameralla

A voyage into the art of photography
With the Hurtigruten Photo Progra you’ll learn how to improve your photography skills as well as share photos with fellow guests, take part in contests and geotag your images using Cameralla.
Take your photography to the next level as you travel in one of the most beautiful regions of the world. Along with fellow enthusiasts of all levels, join our Photo Club where you can upload your images and receive valuable feedback. Here, the joy of photography takes center stage, whether you’re bringing top-end camera equipment or simply using your phone to capture the beauty and magic of the voyage.

On our Signature voyages
Learn how to capture the best images. Join a session tailored to your voyage and watch the film ‘Arctic Light’ which tells you all about the delicate and ephemeral light of the Arctic. (Summer/Winter - shown in Norwegian, English, French and German.)
Cameralla. Join a closed onboard Photo Club using the Cameralla app and see pictures taken by your fellow guests. Like, comment on and share images, and get inspiration from others – plus enjoy lifelong access to the best images from your voyage.
Onboard Photography Expert. Whether you have questions about your camera equipment, need feedback on your photos, or just want to improve your skills, our expert is here to help. They’ll also share tips and tricks along the way.
Camera equipment for hire: Forgot your camera or need a specific lens? We have a range of quality photo equipment available for you to hire.
Special lectures. Join the Onboard Photographer during several focus sessions centered on photography. These are adjusted to the itinerary and consider the motivation and inspiration behind the art rather than just the technical aspects.
Daily photo competitions: Upload your best images from the day for a chance to win prizes, or simply get some encouragement from your fellow guests. Maybe yours will be voted ‘Photo of the Day’ at the evening gathering!
Digital memories. At the end of your voyage, you’ll get a link to a collection of the best photos as taken by the Onboard Photographer, or you can purchase them on a memory stick if you’d prefer a physical copy.
Join us on board and take your photography to new heights while discovering the incredible beauty of Norway and Svalbard.

On our Original voyages
Our tailored Photo Program is designed to help you master the basics of photography and capture the magic of your journey.
Free Photo Course: Learn simple, practical tips to enhance your photography skills while on board.
Hurtigruten Photo Club: Share your photos, join exciting competitions, and discover inspiring destinations.
Memory stick for sale: Take home a collection of pictures from your voyage to relive the memories forever.
Join us on board and take your photography skills to new heights as you discover the beauty of Norway’s coast.